"Friendly Reminders" Might Be The Best Self-Care Book For Outdoor People
For the few of you who do not follow Scott Tatum on Instagram, you are missing out. But, that is okay, because he just released his first book, Friendly Reminders: Lessons From A Self-Care Savage, which condenses his wisdom from IG into a beautiful book with illustrations of your favorite places, like Yosemite and the American Southwest.
These bite-sized nuggets of wisdom are perfect for the outdoor person beginning the journey of looking inward. Each chapter is different and covers a wide variety of helpful tips to bring trail wisdom to everyday life as you work towards becoming the you, you have always dreamed of being.
Friendly Reminders is helping unlock people who are stuck because Scott is sharing his experience within nature with the world from his heart. He is authentic and honest. Sharing the bad and the good. His book is subtle but can thump you on the head, waking you up. Still not getting what I am saying? Well here is a taste of what the book has to offer:
You don't have to take my word for it, here is what other's are saying about Friendly Reminders:
Leigh Spencer -
"If you’re struggling to prioritize your self care, this is the book for you!There is sentence after sentence of solid practical advice for everyone regardless of where you are in the self care journey.After reading this book you can’t help but feel more empowered to take on the daily acts of improving your mindset and your attitude toward life in general."
Jean-Paul Courville -
"Scott writes about life lessons experienced as his own “Guinea pig” with the applications of self care. His “to the point” approach is a perfect remedy to give yourself that understanding of where you are, where you need to be and want to go in continued personal positivity! Well done Scott and thanks for the inspiration, pass it on!"
Norma Morgan -
"Friendly Reminders by Scott Tatum will become your Self-Care Savage bible....Scott reminds us to be true to yourself and stop putting yourself on the back burner. And as Scott says, "own who you are and strengthen your self-confidence."I guarantee you will love this!!"