How to Find Overnight Parking During Van life

Living van life brings its own set of adventures, and one of the most challenging aspects can be the quest for a safe and peaceful parking spot in unfamiliar territory, especially after sunset. Drawing from seven years of life on the road, I've accumulated my fair share of tales about unexpected knocks, awkward encounters, and windshield notes. To ease your journey and ensure you have a restful night's sleep, I've compiled invaluable tips for van-lifers to keep in their back pockets. Whether you're weary, ready to retire for the night, or simply exploring new horizons, these insights will be your trusted companions along the way.

Van life in Baja, Mexico is a blast and there are ample places to park on the beach. Photograph by Dalton Johnson


  • Flexibility: Van life parking allows you the freedom to choose your location, giving you the flexibility to wake up to breathtaking views or explore different areas at your own pace.

  • Cost Savings: Parking in free or low-cost areas can significantly reduce your accommodation expenses, making van life an economical way to travel and live.

  • Connection to Nature: Many van life spots are situated in beautiful natural settings, providing a unique opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy outdoor activities.

  • Community: Finding van life parking often leads to interactions with like-minded individuals who share the same lifestyle, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie on the road.


  • Limited Amenities: Remote van life spots may lack essential amenities like running water, electricity, and restrooms, requiring you to adapt and plan accordingly.

  • Security Concerns: Parking in unfamiliar areas can pose security risks, including theft or vandalism. It's essential to take precautions to ensure your safety and that of your belongings.

  • Regulatory Challenges: Some regions have strict regulations or ordinances against overnight parking, which can lead to fines or forced relocation, creating a legal hassle for vanlifers.

  • Limited Comfort: Living in a van means limited space and comfort compared to traditional housing. Finding suitable parking spots can be challenging, and it may not always provide the level of comfort you desire.

1) Walmart Parking Lots: The Van life Oasis

When it comes to finding a place to rest for the night, Walmart parking lots often top the list of vanlifers' go-to options. While I personally haven't indulged in this choice, it's widely recognized as a dependable choice across the van life community. Here's a guide to help you navigate the nuances of sleeping in a Walmart parking lot:

  • High Probability: Your best bet for a hassle-free night's sleep is a standalone Walmart store, one that's not nestled among other retailers. Look for these gems in smaller towns conveniently located near major highways.

  • Better Probability: If you find a Walmart within a larger shopping complex in a smaller town near a major highway, your odds of a peaceful night's sleep are still quite favorable.

  • Good Probability: Don't discount your chances even in small towns without immediate highway access. Walmarts in these areas often provide a welcoming haven for van lifers.

  • 55/45 Shot: In medium to large cities, you might still find success at free-standing Walmart locations on the outskirts, close to major highways. Your chances are fairly balanced here.

  • 50/50 Shot: When Walmart is part of a larger shopping center, in a medium to large city on the outskirts near a major highway, it becomes more of a coin toss situation.

  • Probably Not Allowed: Walmarts situated in the heart of medium to large cities near major highways are less likely to accommodate overnight parking.

  • You'll Get Kicked Out for Sure: If the Walmart is nestled in the suburbs of a medium to large city, it's a sign that you're better off seeking alternative parking options.

If uncertainty still lingers, Walmart offers a handy tool to determine whether overnight parking is permitted at a specific store, accessible here: Walmart No-Park Locator. It's a valuable resource for van lifers seeking a peaceful night's rest.

2) Overnight Street Parking in Residential Areas:

Sleeping overnight in residential neighborhoods while living the van life can be a contentious topic, but let's address the elephant in the room. While it may not be universally embraced, I confess to doing this on numerous occasions, primarily for its simplicity and accessibility. Here's why some van lifers choose this option:

  • Ease of Access: If you spot parked cars lining the street, chances are you can join them for an overnight stop. The key is to be mindful of parking regulations, especially regarding permits. A handy tip: take a short stroll to read the street signs for peace of mind.

However, when camping in residential areas, discretion is the name of the game. What does that entail?

  • Stealth Mode: Keep your van's lights off, arrive late, and depart early to minimize disruption to the neighborhood's tranquility.

  • Respect and Courtesy: Always bear in mind that you're a guest in someone else's neighborhood. Respect their space, privacy, and the sanctity of their homes.

  • Variety in Location: To avoid drawing attention, consider changing your parking spot within the neighborhood if you plan to stay there more than once.

  • Legal Awareness: Be cognizant of local housing ordinances; law enforcement may intervene if your presence becomes an issue.

While it's a contentious choice, overnight street parking in residential areas can be a practical solution, provided it's approached with sensitivity and a keen awareness of the surroundings.

3) BLM Land (aka Free Dispersed Camping)

The allure of BLM land, or Bureau of Land Management land, is simply irresistible. It represents the epitome of freedom, a place where the road leads to the extraordinary and where nature becomes your neighbor. In this section, we'll delve into the reasons why van lifers are drawn to BLM land, from its budget-friendly appeal to the breathtaking natural vistas it offers. Discover the art of extended stays amidst the tranquility of the wilderness, and the camaraderie that forms when fellow van life enthusiasts converge in these rugged, unspoiled landscapes. It's time to unlock the secrets and benefits of making BLM land your preferred van life sanctuary.

  • Cost-Free Camping: Sleeping on BLM land won't dent your wallet unless you opt for a developed campground. It's an economical choice that keeps your budget in check.

  • Spectacular Natural Views: BLM land typically offers breathtaking, unspoiled vistas that are secluded and in harmony with nature. It's a front-row seat to some of the most stunning scenery.

  • Extended Stays: Unlike crowded urban areas, you won't be pressured to pack up and move every day when camping on BLM land. It's an opportunity to savor the tranquility and stay longer if you wish.

  • Communion with Nature: For those who appreciate the great outdoors, BLM land often allows you to immerse yourself in nature fully. And yes, you can answer nature's call surrounded by the wild, although some areas may provide rustic toilets.

  • Connect with Fellow Van Lifers: BLM land is a hub for like-minded van life enthusiasts. Expect to cross paths with fellow travelers, forging connections, and sharing experiences along the way.

4) Paid Campgrounds: A Luxury Van life Option

While van life often revolves around the freedom of budget-conscious travel, paid campgrounds can be a valuable but selective choice, particularly when you're seeking specific amenities such as:

  • Shower Facilities: If you're yearning for a refreshing shower after days of adventure, paid campgrounds often provide clean and convenient bathing facilities.

  • Space to Unwind: Sometimes, you crave more than the cozy confines of your van. Campgrounds offer spacious communal areas, akin to a living room vibe, where you can relax, socialize, or simply stretch out.

  • Connectivity: Need to catch up on work or stay connected with the world? Campgrounds frequently offer Wi-Fi access, ensuring you remain plugged in while enjoying the nomadic lifestyle.

While the comfort of paid campgrounds is undeniably appealing, the costs can accumulate swiftly over several nights. Therefore, they are often considered a more occasional indulgence for vanlifers who appreciate the convenience and extra perks they provide.

5) iOverlander and FreeRoam: Your Go-To Van life Companion Apps

When you find yourself in need of a quick and reliable solution for van life accommodations, look no further than the indispensable tools that are iOverlander and FreeRoam. These user-friendly apps are your trusty companions on the road, and the best part is, they won't cost you a dime:

  • FreeRoam: Your gateway to hassle-free van life, FreeRoam, available at, opens up a world of possibilities. With a user-friendly interface and a wealth of information, it's the ultimate resource for finding those perfect spots to park your van.

  • iOverlander: Another gem in the vanlifer's toolkit, iOverlander, accessible at, provides an extensive database of vanlife-friendly locations. Whether you're in need of overnight parking, water sources, or even a community of fellow travelers, iOverlander has you covered.

These apps, designed with the van life community in mind, offer a treasure trove of insights and recommendations, ensuring you're never left without a place to rest your wheels. Best of all, they won't dent your travel budget, making them the go-to choice for savvy vanlifers worldwide.

6) Grocery Store Parking Lots: A Convenient Van life Overnight Solution

Navigating cityscapes during your van life adventures can occasionally leave you pondering the perfect parking spot. Instead of hunting down a Walmart parking lot, consider the practical alternative: grocery store parking lots. Here's why they can be your ideal haven for overnight stays:

  • Urban Oasis: When urban exploration takes you to unfamiliar territory, grocery store parking lots often offer a convenient refuge. Their accessibility in various city locales makes them a strategic choice for vanlifers.

  • Access to Amenities: One standout advantage of overnighting at a grocery store is the readily available bathroom facilities. This can be a game-changer, providing the comfort and convenience you need during your travels.

These lots are a valuable resource in your van life toolkit, seamlessly blending urban convenience with essential amenities, ensuring you have a comfortable and hassle-free experience while on the road.

A van-lifer enjoying the views of Mount Moran while sleeping in a remote pull out. Photograph by Dalton Johnson

Finding overnight parking for van life takes some time to understand. Every city, county, and state have different laws that you need to understand. If you are moving around from place to place in your van, you will quickly realize the laws are not shown. So, to find places to sleep in your van on your van life journey, you need to understand what your options are for boon-docking. I hope these six options have painted a picture of what your options are for sleeping in your van.

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