12 Pro Tips for Beginner Bikepackers

Bikepacking combines the adventure of multi-day backpacking with the freedom and exhilaration of cycling, offering a unique way to explore the world. For those new to bikepacking, the idea of carrying all your gear on your bike and venturing into the wilderness can be both exciting and intimidating. This guide is designed to provide beginner bikepackers with 12 essential tips to ensure a safe, enjoyable, and successful journey. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a cross-country trek, these tips will help you get started on the right foot—or pedal.

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12 Pro Tips for Beginner Grand Adventurers

Embarking on a grand adventure is a thrilling step into the unknown, whether it’s trekking through remote wilderness, exploring a new country, or setting out on a multi-day road trip. These experiences push you out of your comfort zone, offering a blend of challenge, discovery, and growth. For beginners, the idea of a grand adventure might feel overwhelming, but with the right mindset and some expert advice, you’ll be well-prepared to take on the journey of a lifetime. Here are 12 pro tips to help you start your grand adventure with confidence and excitement.

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Waking Up with Altitude Sickness in Lake Tahoe

Rushing out of my Big Agnes tent before the sun had risen, I projectile vomited, then again, and again. My hands on my knees, I stand, wipe my mouth, and go back to my sleeping bag for the warmth I didn’t get all night.

My plan was to enjoy a slow morning, capture some content at sunrise, then head down to my bicycle to start the bicycle touring section of the trip.

That didn’t happen.

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Would You Commute 563 Miles Via Bike to Offset Your Plane Flight?

When it comes to reducing your carbon footprint and living a more eco-friendly lifestyle, the choices you make in transportation can have a significant impact. Domestic air travel, while convenient, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions that play a role in climate change. If you've ever wondered just how much effort it takes to offset the carbon emissions from a domestic plane flight, the answer below might surprise you!

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Become More Resilient With Type 2 Fun

Think of a time in your life, when you said to yourself, “Wow! That was exciting.” Or, “Gosh, that was scary for me!" What do you remember from that memory? 

Were you close to cliff’s edge, fatigued from exerting yourself, or were you overcoming a fear built up in your imagination? Hopefully, that memory was elective and an experience you can look back upon as type two fun. A learning lesson, a personal challenge, an opportunity to expand your horizon.

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Freel Peak to Mount Whitney Bikepacking Challenge: Day 1

Arriving in South Lake Tahoe to begin a personal challenge of a supported bike packing adventure from South Lake Tahoe to Mount Whitney, I started the trip with hiking Freel Peak. My goal was to start at the Freel Peak trailhead and hike to the top for sunset, but that didn't happen. Getting a late start, my journey to the tallest peak in Lake Tahoe ended in the dark, but that is okay, I brought a head lamp.

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6 Bucket List Adventures in the Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains span over 3,000 miles from upper British Columbia, Canada to New Mexico, USA and are a haven for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts alike, but where do you begin? With their towering peaks, pristine alpine lakes, National Parks, diverse wildlife, and a plethora of ecosystems, these mountains are a playground for outdoor exploration.

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What is Bikepacking

Embarking on a bikepacking adventure is an invitation to embrace the thrill of exploration, the freedom of the open road, and the challenge of self-sufficiency. It's a journey that combines the raw power of pedaling with the simplicity of backpacking, creating an immersive outdoor experience like no other. As you set off on your two-wheeled expedition, the world unfolds before you, revealing breathtaking landscapes, hidden gems, and the wonders of nature.

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Sore Butt, High Spirits | Bikepacking Freel to Mount Whitney Day 3

Well, it is day three of this journey to climb-bike-climb from Freel Peak in Lake Tahoe to Mount Whitney. To be honest, I woke up feeling pretty good! My butt was a little bit sore from yesterday’s, but that is to be expected. Thankfully, I was able to soak in a hot spring last night at Travertine Hot Spring in Bridgeport, CA and get a good rest in the van.

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