First One Out

display image of surfer preparing to paddle out designed for beach house wall art
wall art home decor of surfer in Santa Cruz California at sunrise soon to paddle into waves
Dawn patrol surfer about to paddle out in Northern California
Wall art perfect for a beach house of northern california of surfer at sunrise
display image of surfer preparing to paddle out designed for beach house wall art
wall art home decor of surfer in Santa Cruz California at sunrise soon to paddle into waves
Dawn patrol surfer about to paddle out in Northern California
Wall art perfect for a beach house of northern california of surfer at sunrise

First One Out

from $9.95

Growing up dreaming of waves, it felt like every surf story I read and heard was about dawn patrol. Waking up at 4:30 am just to be in the cold water for sunrise has always had an allure that is often met with gray skies and fog banks in Northern California. However, on mornings like this one photographed, those early mornings are well worth the 10 others that were gray. The only thing left for this surfer to do is paddle their way into an empty line-up and catch a few waves before heading to work.

Please allow 5-10 days for printing and shipping.

Also, we have the ability to print in custom sizes and material (like wood, gatorboard, etc.), so please reach out to with the size you desire.

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