Four Ski Films On YouTube You Need To Watch

As the winter season is coming, YouTube is getting flooded with incredible ski films that you should watch. The diversity is vast in these films ranging from big and remote landscapes to "in your backyard" kind of videos. All together the excitement after last years incredible 300% snow pack is still paying dividends. Hopefully this year will be similar! 

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Cody Townsend Dives Into Mountain Philosophies in the Latest Video of the 50 Project

Cody Townsend has a tough choice to make, stay and ski in the Eastern Sierra or drive to British Columbia for a second attempt on Comstock. Inevitably, the decision is made and Townsend returns to Comstock for a second year in a row to attempt a line that few people have skied. Hopes are high and the crew is tosses their heavy packs over their shoulders, will they succeed? Watch the video to find out:

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