Warming Rays

Warming Rays

Warming rays beat down through the crystal-like sky,

upon the everlasting grassy plain, where you lay.

Exposed, your delicate body rests in the thick green grass

shimmering from the reflection off the beads of sweat

which trickle down your brow, across your chest, and down your elegant stomach.

Absorbing the rays of heat, like a butterfly preparing for flight, 

your beauty radiates. Blinding all those 

who look at your body, and not at you.

For your true beauty lays below the skin,

In your mind which creates and destroys 

everlasting thoughts of love, harmony, and solidarity.

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This is a poem I wrote a few years back, but a message that has become ever more present in our societies time of need. Let’s strip away the obsession with beauty, lust, and desire, so we can get to the inner-beauty of each person.