A Beach Walk with a New Lens

First Impressions

For the first time in way to long, I took a Sunday off. Now, before you all roast me for being a workaholic, I get it and I am working on it. So, what did I do on my day off? I went surfing in the morning for a couple of hours near Davenport, CA.

How were the waves? They were fun! Roughly shoulder high and consistent. A bit shifty with the winds, but I caught a few fun ones. Thank you for asking!

After a wonderful time resetting my mind in the water, I made some tea and headed out on a beach walk to snap some photos for fun. Along the way, I thought making a youtube video would be fun as well, so I made some tea, unpacked my new Tamron 50-400mm, and went for a walk.

Watch the video above to experience the outing for yourself!

A nice leading line of a trail leading to the ocean while on a beach walk with a new lens. Photograph by Dalton Johnson

New Lens Details

On this beach walk along a remote beach in Northern California, I tried out the Tamron 50-400mm zoom lens for sony e-mount. Yup, that is a mouthful to write. Anyways, this ultra-zoom lens has a ton of impressive details to share:

  • Weight: 40.7 oz

  • Length: 7.2 inches

  • Exposure: F4.5-6.3

  • 8x zoom ratio

  • Vibration Compensation

The list of awesome things go on and on, but I must admit, at a certain point I just can’t comprehend what all of these things are. For example, the VXD (voice-coil extreme-torque drive) is awesome, but I have no idea what that is. Luckily, we don’t have to know. All we need to know is that this Tamron 50-400mm lens is packed with SO many goodies, making it easy to use!

beach walk

A seagull spotted on the cliff of the ocean while on a beach walk in northern California. Photograph by Dalton Johnson

A few favorite photographs during first hour

I watched this wave splash against a rock over and over again while on a beach walk in Northern California. Photograph by Dalton Johnson

beach walk

A vulture soaring over the beach cliffs of Northern California while looking for a food. Photograph by Dalton Johnson

A black and white long exposure of a wave crashing on rocks while on a beach walk with a new camera lens. Photograph by Dalton Johnson