How to Make Money as a Freelance Content Creator | Part 1 of 5

How to Make Money as a Content Creator

Converting your content into a money making machine provides you freedom. As more money comes in, you can let go of other responsibilities and focus on your creative work that fills your cup. Additionally, getting paid for your work feels great, motivates you to continue, and provides a not-so-healthy validation that your work is good. So, how do you make money as a content creator?

Active Income Methods

Active Income means you are actively pursuing and creating the work you are hoping to sell. This work often takes up the bulk of your time and creative energy. At first, this will be how you build your archive of content.

  • Create Branded Content

  • Copywriting

  • Video Creation

  • Project Sponsorship

  • Building a social media presence

  • Repurposing your archived content into new content

Passive Income Methods

Passive Income means you are passively making money from work you previously created. To insure this income persists, you do need to maintain the streams of income, via marketing, but minimal work needs to be done.

  • Licensing Content

  • Ad Revenue

  • Selling Prints

  • Selling Books or E-Books

  • Selling Education Courses

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Influencing*

*Influencing could go in both methods, but I am putting influencing under passive income with the pretense you are leveraging your audience and repurposing content from your archive that fits the company you are influencing for.