Four Ways to Improve Your Perspective On Society


The societal climate appears to be hot and toasty. Often, the rhetoric is negative and disapproving of our society, yet what are you doing to make it a better place? How are you creating an environment for others to see the good in society? Below are four ways to connect with other humans and improve your perspective on society.

1) Hug Often

Sure, we can shake hands, but you lose the opportunity to put a smile on somebody's face. A hug is an embrace with another human where we connect and build trust. You can feel their heartbeat, their touch, and vulnerability to open their arms, exposing their vital organs. Hugs that last 30 seconds, or longer, have shown to reduce anxiety in both participants. So, hug often!


2) Share Meals with Others

Who doesn’t enjoy eating some good food? Why not invite friends over for dinner, share lunch with a co-worker, grab coffee with a stranger. The food and/or drink is just an excuse to listen and talk with another human. Going for a walk and talk with your neighbor or a phone call with a friend all work the same, but the goal here is to talk with a person, preferably outside of your echo chamber.

3) Dance Under the Stars (this is my favorite)

Logistically, I understand this can be difficult to orchestrate, but when the opportunity arises, never turn it down! Better yet, suggest it because who knows the next time you will be in the situation. When we dance we move with somebody, thus we learn how to give and take without overpowering the other. So, even if it isn’t under the stars, go dance. Go laugh. Go enjoy yourself with others.

4) Send Appreciation Letters to Loved Ones 

When was the last time you sent somebody a handwritten letter for no reason? I’m not here to remind you of all those letters you should have sent, we all know we should have sent at least 100 two years ago. The key here, make it easy. Say you love watching Netflix and drinking wine, or beer, after work on the couch. That is awesome and sounds relaxing. Why not have blank cards, stamps, and a pen next to you? Who knows, maybe you’ll write 101 letters!


Here are four ways to connect with humans on a positive front. It might be the case that somebody doesn’t want to dance to share a meal, don’t take it personally. Act with good intentions and be a kind human. You’ll begin noticing this world is a beautiful place filled with lots of kind and generous people.