Day Hike into a Better You: Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body, and Soul

In our fast-paced and hectic lives, finding moments to reconnect with ourselves and recharge can be challenging. The constant demands of work, technology, and responsibilities can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from our true selves. However, there is a simple yet powerful solution to this problem: a day hike. Stepping out into nature, breathing in the fresh air, and immersing ourselves in the beauty of the great outdoors can do wonders for our well-being.

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Your Reminder to Wake Up Early

Waking up early is a novelty. Crawling out from under your covers is difficult, but worth it. Throughout a year, at least one of my highlights comes from waking up early to catch a sunrise. Often my motivation is a photo idea, but sometimes it is a climbing mission, or an outing with a friend. Regardless, do something hard and wake up early a few times a year! It’ll be worth it.

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Alaska Changed Me

The five years leading up to this road trip my life had been fueled by immediate gratification, what needs to be done right now, and a constant struggle to make a living. Most of this comes with the territory of starting a career out of nothing, especially a career in photography! However, this was the first trip I was “set” and capable of focusing on my craft everyday, without having to meet the demands of others. While I was still held accountable by clients and deadlines, this project was my baby. I conjured up the idea, raised the funds, and executed on the ideas.

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Is Van Life Right for Me?

Van life has become a popular lifestyle choice for individuals seeking adventure, freedom, and a closer connection to nature. For many, the idea of traveling the open road, waking up to breathtaking views, and living a minimalist life sounds like a dream come true. However, before diving headfirst into the van life movement, it's essential to evaluate whether this lifestyle is the right fit for you. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of van life, how to test if it's suitable for you, common mistakes to avoid, and tips for beginners.

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Dear Baja: A see-you-later letter to my best friend

As tears run down my face and stain this paper I write to you on, I smile knowing you are chasing a deer through bushes, surfing an endless countertop filled with bread, and having your ears pet as you rest your head on lap after lap. A few months have past since I watched you laying on that mat, with an IV, holding your paw as you moved beyond this world. Since then, you have filled my dreams, often we are swimming in the lake or you are pulling me on my skateboard, but all dreams end the same way, your belly to the sky between my legs, your tongue halfway out, and your curls overwhelming my hands as I rub your belly.

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